About Me

Hey! I'm Katie.

A personal finance coach on a mission to help women feel empowered with their money, cast a clear vision of the life that they dream, and confidently align the two, no matter what life may throw their way.

In a Nutshell:

- Born & raised New Yorker

- Lived in New York, Los Angeles, San Jose, & now Denver

- Lover of: Nature! Activities! Traveling! Learning!

Married to my High School BFF, Joe. Norway, 2022

Being the MOST fun 24-year-old, asleep at the bar before even taking my coat off.

Where my Personal Finance journey began:

-At age 22, my now-husband Joe and I graduated college as a teacher and an artist with 6 figures of combined student debt.

- By age 25, I was already feeling completely drained from the grind of my NYC job and knew my lifestyle was bound to crush my soul. So I quit my job and drove to Los Angeles to become a freelance artist.

Big Dreams, Big Ambitions:

- I had big dreams to travel internationally in my 20's, have kids in my 30's, and visit family (now 3,000 miles away) in-between.

- I needed to pay off my student loans and wanted to feel safe financially when I had children.

- But I'd also seen way too many loved ones pass away too young and was determined to live as fully as possible through every stage and season of my life.

~*ThRiViNg*~ in LA, 2016.

Learning to fund my freedom, one conference at a time.

The Journey:

- Coming from a frugal family, I knew financial responsibility would trump my adventurous dreams if I let it.

- The only way I could do it all was by getting clear on the life I wanted and optimizing my finances to get there.


- I take 2-3 months off from work every year for travel, time with family, and time for myself. Guilt-free.

- I've visited all 7 continents and 25 U.S. National Parks.

- My husband and I are financially on track to retire early.

Death Valley National Park. 2021

Las Vegas, NV. 2019

Over the past 10 years I've learned:

- The systemic disadvantages, lack of resources, and lack of community that women face financially.

- That finance can be so much simpler than it seems!

- That with the right tools and mindset, anyone can become financially independent (even a teacher and an artist in 6-figures of debt).

Which led to the birth of

Miss Fund Your Freedom

and the coaching philosophy:

"It's not about money. It's about living as full a life as possible, today and tomorrow."

Torres Del Paine, Chile. 2020

Together, we will:

- Design a clear vision of a life that you are EXCITED about.

- Create a personalized roadmap, to get you to YOUR financial goals as quickly and simply as possible.

- Navigate real world challenges that influence spending, saving and feeling safe financially.

- Create a safe space for questions, education, and accountability as you implement your new tools.

- Develop the confidence to handle anything that life throws your way.

Ready to get started?

Let's Fund Your Freedom!


Are your programs right for me?

I help women & couples who want to:

  • Optimize their finances using a simple and efficient path to wealth

  • Balance spending and saving to align with their personal goals

  • Feel confident talking about money

  • Gain empowerment to reach their highest potential

  • Benefit from an accountabili-buddy who's been through it all (That's me!)

  • Implement new mindsets and make big moves for their future

  • Find a community of like-minded ladies looking to do the same

If this sounds like you, then yes! Let's connect.

Do I need prior financial knowledge before starting?

Nope! My programs explain everything you need to know right from the start. No shame if you're just beginning! We're all on our own journey, & getting started is the only way to move forward.

Which program is right for me?

I offer various forms of coaching and accountability through online courses, mentorship, and community. Please see the "Coaching" tab for more info on my programs, or reach out to me directly. I'm here to help!

Do you guarantee results?

While my programs have been tested and proven to help individuals and couples achieve their financial goals, students will only get out what they put in! I promise to give it my all to help you achieve your goals, but ultimately it is up to you to implement the lessons you learn. If you are not seeing the results you hoped for and we're unable to turn it around, you are free to cancel future services at any time.